Help and information on credit monitoring, credit files, open banking, and everything to do with your Raporto account.
About Raporto.
Raporto are credit monitoring service allowing you to access information regarding your credit file and in depth insights into your spending habits. We believe that people shouldn’t be left wondering why their credit application has been turned down. Which is why Raporto help give you a chance at improving your financial situation so that you are less likely to be turned down in the future.
How does Raporto work?
Raporto uses Equifax, a credit referecing agency used by lenders, to put together a credit report for you. It also uses Open Banking, which uses you bank account to allow us to take a look your spending habits so that we can craft an affordability report to give you an insight into your financial situation. This along with our ID fraud and financial health check features, allows you to access a wealth of information to see how lenders make their decisions on your eligibility for credit.
How do I join?
We've made it nice and simple. Either click here to sign up, or click the login button at the top of the page and click join.
How do I cancel?
To cancel your account, simply login, click on the profile icon on your dashboard, and then click cancel. Your account will be closed immediately, if you have a premium subscription it will be cancelled immediately, and you will no longer be able to log into your account. If you wish to sign up again after cancelling, simply click one of the “join” buttons on the website.
Your credit report
What is a credit report?
A credit report is a record of your credit history, which contains information about any previous credit or debts you have obtained. It gives a detailed history of how you dealt with this credit and whether any payments were missed. Lenders use this information to assess whether or not you are a good borrower and to see the likelihood of you paying them back. Information can stay on your credit file for up to 6 years so it is important that you try keep this as clear as possible.
Where does my credit report come from?
Credit reports come from credit referencing agencies, who collect data from public records, lenders and other financial institutions to build a report of your credit history. The credit referencing agency Raporto uses is Equifax.
The information on my file is wrong.
It doesn’t happen very often but sometimes the information contained in your credit file can be wrong. The credit reference agencies rely on financial services providers to report information to them and with so many moving parts to the process, errors are occasionally made. The remedy to this problem is easy though. Simply contact the credit reference agencies via the links below. Tell them which of your accounts is inaccurate and why, they normally respond within about 4 weeks.
An affordability report provides an insight to your financial situation. This is done using Open Banking, which looks at a snapshot of your banking history from the last 3 months. It gives you an idea on the parts of your spending behaviour that our positive and the parts that could be improved. Lenders use this to gain an insight into your income and spending habits, and help them decide if they would be lending responsibly.
Where does my affordability report come from?
Your affordability report is crafted through your recent banking data. By signing up to Open Banking, this allows us to see a snapshot of your accounts from the last 3 months and conduct an analysis on your income and spending. This is a secure, FCA regulated service. For more information please visit
The information on my report is wrong.
It doesn’t happen very often but sometimes the information gathered from your Open Banking can be interpreted wrong. All the information within your affordability report comes from Open Banking and the accounts that you have connected. If you feel that any of the information is incorrect simply contact via the links below. Tell them which of your accounts is inaccurate and why, they normally respond within about 4 weeks.
A financial health check uses a series of questions to determine the state of your financial health. All the questions are indicators as to whether or not you are financially healthy or struggling to keep afloat.
Where does my health check data come from?
Your health check data comes from the health check quiz, which you can find on the financial health dashboard. Your answers are used to produce a financial health score.
Why is my health check important?
Your health check is important as it helps you see whether or not improvements need to be made. It can be completed monthly so you can see your progress and watch it improve over time.
Your ID fraud check
What is an ID fraud check?
An ID fraud check uses your contact details to see if your email address and/or phone number have ever been involved in any data breaches
Where does my ID fraud data come from?
The ID fraud check is done using a company called Have I Been Pwned. This service holds information on a range of different data breaches that have occurred in the past and can identify whether any of your email addresses and phone numbers were involved in these breaches.
Why is my ID fraud check important?
ID fraud checks are important as if you have been involved in a data breach this can leave you more vulnerable to identity theft. This can have an affect on your credit history if someone applies for a loan with your personal details so it important you take precautionary measures to avoid this if a breach were to occur.